A foolproof guide to the perfect Christmas Dinner
It’s a lot easier and cheaper than you think
Christmas can be a very stressful time for us all.
With end of term deadlines mounting, the festive season can often be a herald of gloom rather than glee.
So what better way to get over your seasonal slump that getting together with your uni mates and tucking into a homemade Christmas feast.
Christmas Dinner Shopping list:
Dinner for 6 + left overs (bought from Tesco)
Item Price
- Large Chicken £6.00
- Thyme £0.70
- Garlic £0.30
- Bisto Gravy £1.00
- Pigs in Blankets £2.00
- Maris Piper Potatoes £2.00
- Brussel Sprouts £1.00
- Parsnips £0.90
- Carrots £0.79
- Stuffing Mix £1.00
- Brussel Sprouts £1.00
- Yorkshire Puddings £1.50
- Cranberry Sauce £1.00
- Christmas Crackers £4.00
- Christmas Yule Log £2.00
Total £25.19 = £4.20 per person
The Meat
- Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4
- Pour a large glug of olive oil into a bowl
- Chop garlic and thyme finely and add into the oil
- Spoon mixture over the chicken
- Cover the Chicken in foil and roast for 2 hours
The Veg
When the Meat’s been in the oven for an hour it’s time get cracking on with the veg
Potatoes It’s important to do the potatoes first because they take the longest
- First you’re going to need to peel the potatoes and cut them into quarters
- Then it’s time to boil them, about 15 minutes will do
- After 15 minutes drain the potatoes and put them in a roasting tin
- Drizzle with olive oil and roast away, they’ll need about 35 mins
Carrots & Parsnips After you’ve put the potatoes in the oven you need to start with the other veg
- Peel the Carrots and Parsnips and chop into 1 inch thick pieces
- Drizzle oil and season with pepper and salt
- Chuck in the oven for half an hour
- It’s about time to start boiling the Brussel sprouts now so get to it!
The Other Stuff
Yorkshire Puddings Since we’re using frozen Yorkshire Puddings you’ll just need to chuck them in the oven half an hour before the chicken’s done
Stuffing You’ll want to get these in the oven about the same time as the Yorkshire Puds
- Empty sachet into bowl and follow instructions on packet
- To form into balls simply roll then bake in the oven for 25-30 mins
- You’ll want to get those Pigs in Blankets in the Oven about now too as they’ll also need about 25 mins
All you need to do now is make your gravy and then it’ll be time to take your Brussel sprouts off the boil and take everything else out the oven.
See, it wasn’t that hard was it.