Image may contain: Woman, Girl, Female, Blonde, Person, People, Human

Vote for Exeter’s most eligible bachelorette: Heat three

The battle continues

Tennyson put it better than a lowly Tab writer, “tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”. Carpe Diem single men of Exeter, get your votes in!

Tori Edwards

Image may contain: Dress, Clothing, Woman, Girl, Female, Blonde, Tartan, Plaid, Person, People, Human

Subject and Year of Study: Fourth Year Business and Management

Interesting fact: “I eat a custard tart every day”

Quote about the Nominee: “Custard tart is the way to my heart”

Amreen Bains

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

Subject and Year of Study: Third Year Drama

Interesting fact: “Advanced professional at being single. I have over 20 years of industry level experience”

Quote about the Nominee: “If you kiss her she’ll call you her boyfriend. Watch out!”

Sabrina Campbell

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Person, People, Human

Subject and Year of Study: Fourth Year French and Spanish

Interesting fact: “I ran into a glass door drunk and broke my nose”

Quote about the Nominee: “Best chat up line: ‘I’m locked out of my house'”

Emily Louise-Holloway

Image may contain: Corset, Clothing, Person, People, Human

Subject and Year of Study: Second Year Neuroscience

Interesting fact: “The Australian rugby player Ned Hangian messaged me after the England vs Australia test match this year”

Quote about the Nominee: “BNOC. Bumble. Basic”

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