Glasgow’s most eligible bachelor: Round four

We’re nearing the final

More, yes more, bachelors for you on this fine Thursday evening. They’ve told us where they love to eat in Glasgow, and now it’s up to you to decide who to send into the final round.

You know what to do – get voting!

Gabriel, first year, Economics and Philosophy

“My fave place to eat is by far The Crafty Pig.”

Manny, second year, Computing Science 

“My favourite place is West End Barbecue.”

Calum, fourth year, Mechanical Engineering


“I like BRGR cause it’s cheap and cheerful like myself.”

David, third year, Medicine 

“A liquid dinner of Soop from Viper fits my macros perfectly, but if all else fails Tony Macs fiver lunch deal is my favourite.”

[polldaddy poll=9661085]

Look out for the next round.