Stop what you’re doing: It’s time to vote in the first round of Glasgow’s Most Eligible Bachelor
Helllloo Mr. Right
The first round of Glasgow's Most Eligible Bachelor competition is here.
Make sure to vote below for your favourite fittie to get them into the grand final.
Let the competition begin!
Neil, Masters, Banking and Financial Services
How would you describe yourself in three words? Happy but hangy.
Best chat up line? Who’s wanting pumped?
What's your favourite drink? Pingu, Raymond or Pint of Fun.
Why do you think you were nominated? My recent lack of dates may have something to do with it.
Michael, second year, Classics
How would you describe yourself in three words? Aberrant, abhorrent, abstruse.
Best chat up line? I drop several dozen limes, spend the next 40 minutes trying and failing to pick them all up. Finally, I look up sheepishly and say “Sorry, I’m bad at pick up limes”. Works every time.
Why do you think you’ve been nominated? Who am I to say? But the people have spoken, and I will answer their call.
What's your go-to drink? The Late Reverend Jim Jones’ Kool-Aid
Jason (aka JayBae), second year, Psychology and Neuroscience
How would you describe yourself in three words? I am the three Fs: fabulous, fierce and fuckable.
Best chat up line? Don't need one when I drop it like it's hot.
What's your go-to drink? Espresso Martini (there is enough grinding in that for everyone).
Why do you want to be voted as Glasgow's most eligible bachelor? I didn't win the Women's Waterpolo captain at our AGM so I feel like this is an appropriate alternative.
Adam, fourth year, Law
How would you describe yourself in three words? The cuddle monster.
Best chat up line? No words, I tend to let my hips do the talking.
What's your idea of the perfect date? A private screening of "Lala Land" followed by a romantic stroll around the kelpies.
Why do you think you were nominated? I have a long history of wining and dining but I'm usually alone.