Glasgow Uni will not be implementing a no detriment policy this year
The University is looking into implementing other measures to help students this term
Glasgow University emailed students today assessment support measures they were putting in place this term. At the end of the email Professor Jill Morrison, Clerk of Senate, announced that the university will be unable to reintroduce the same no detriment policy as last year for a number of reasons.

Part of the email sent to students earlier today
The University has given three reasons to support their choice not to reinstate the no detriment policy; firstly, the policy was introduces last year in response to a national lockdown that caused the sudden closure of campus and on campus teaching, however this academic year teaching and assessment has been designed in the context of the pandemic, recognising the need for the majority of learning and assessment to take place online; and in addition, there is no ‘non-pandemic’ period that can be used as a benchmark for your performance.
Secondly, if the no detriment policy is used two years in a row then students won’t have enough assessment available to see what their actual progress is and it would be difficult to fairly assess if students in second year could progress to honours.
Finally the no detriment policy was applied to all students last year, regardless of their individual circumstances, whilst this year the University believe thats whilst everyone has bee affected by the academic, some have had to face greater difficulties such as health concerns, space issues and managing children care. With this in mind the university believes they need a policy that considers students individual circumstances more.
The University will provide more detailed information to students as soon as possible, but any issues can be directed to stduents individual schools or through contacting the HelpDesk.
Related stories recommended by this writer:
•Students advised not to return to Glasgow until beginning of March
•A petition calling for a no detriment policy for Glasgow students has over 2900 signatures