King’s launches It Stops Here Training Academy on harassment and sexual violence for staff members
The campaign wants to raise staff awareness and capability and is available to all staff members on KEATS
The It Stops Here campaign, a collaborative initiative created by King's and KCLSU in 2017, has launched a training academy for staff members this week, which aims to "raise awareness and increase staff capability in relation to bullying and harassment."
Though the initiative launched a KEATS module exclusively for first year students in September, which is now available for all students, the training academy now hopes to expand the campaign to staff members as "by learning what King’s staff can do to challenge and respond to sexual harassment and bullying on campus, [staff] are actively contributing to an inclusive and supportive environment, which is bound by mutual respect and a commitment to ensure that all forms of harassment or bullying are not tolerated."
All staff members have been automatically enrolled in the course, which includes an "online course Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence, It Stops Here Classroom Toolkit as well as information and resources on harassment to equip King’s staff to adequately and confidently respond to other forms of harassment. The course also provides practical advice on taking disclosures of harassment, and reporting and support services at King’s."