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The Maughan is being evacuated after a fire alarm

Everyone gathered outside Knight’s Templar

At 15:15 today a fire alarm started in the Maughan library and everyone was made to evacuate the building straight away. You can see a video of the evacuation on The King's Tab Instagram story.

As students have been evacuated to outside Knight's Templar, Fire Marshals walked into the building and surrounded the area.

Image may contain: Crowd, People, Tarmac, Asphalt, Overcoat, Pants, Architecture, Coat, Road, Urban, Building, City, Town, Downtown, Footwear, Shoe, Apparel, Clothing, Pedestrian, Person, Human

Students gathered outside Knight's Templar

A the Fire Marshal told The King's Tab no test was planned and so the situation is being treated like a real fire.

An Second Year Economic Student told The King's Tab: "I had to convince myself so badly to go the library and now it's a waste."

Image may contain: Walkway, Path, Construction Crane, Apparel, Clothing, Coat, Overcoat, Human, Person, Pedestrian

The fire marshall said no test was planned