Lancaster University’s Rugby team have already raised nearly £5,000 for Movember
LURUFC place in the UK top 100 teams for Movember
Last year, Lancaster University Men's Rugby Union (LURUFC) smashed their previous record for Movember, raising a huge £3,007, but no one anticipated what this year would hold. Five days into Movember, yes only FIVE, and they have already raised a whopping £4,658.
The stats
Having already raised £4,658, they have not only placed second in the Rugby Movember challenge, but seventh in the whole of team challenge in the UK. And in even crazier news, they feature in the top 100 globally, placing 89th! How could we not be proud of our boys?

The boys placing seventh with a whopping £4,658
New hair, who dis?
One member, Joe Johns, claimed that he would shave his head for the cause if the team were to surpass last years funds. And here are the consequences:

A fresh trim for a good cause
It's amazing to see how dedicated the lads are and how far they're willing to get stuck in to increase their funds. Here's a word from the man himself: "Men's mental health is a topic all too much swept under the rug in today's society. If shaving my hair can promote just one conversation about men's health, then I consider it a massive success. I had absolutely no idea that I would have to shave my head so quickly. Beating last year's record in three days I'm sure was a shock to most people."
A message from the boys
When asked about why Movember is so important to the team, Tom Murphy, the team captain, offered a lovely insight into their inspiration: "Movember is so important to the club due to how close we are to each other in the team. Every training session we remind ourselves that we are not teammates but brothers. And we would never want our brothers to suffer in silence.
"The clubs large push to raise money in Movember can mainly be attributed to Ross Bullock, since he showed such an extreme passion to raise money for the cause, every boy has been inspired to match his effort."
Movember needs YOU!
Whether you can grow a mo or not, there are tonnes of ways to show your Mo spirit. Many of the colleges, sports teams and even LUSU are participating in Movember.
Either sign yourself up for a Mo Team, such as the Pendle Mo team, and start your own Movember campaign or support your Mo Bros and Mo Sistas!