Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Toy, Human, Person

Vote for Lancaster’s Maddest Fresher: Heat One

Who deserves the crown?

The nominations have come in thick and fast, and here we have our first heats for Lancaster’s Maddest Fresher 2018. I’ve laughed and cringed at their stories, now it’s time to get voting before first term comes to an end!

Ryan McCale

This absolute legend was nominated twice, he sure does sound like a handful. He spent a wild night in Dalton Rooms, ending up in him flying down the stairs, losing all his mates, going to Maccies and being found with ketchup all down himself.

To top it all off, his flat mates took a lovely family photo with him instead of sorting him out. What a mess.

Image may contain: Pants, Person, Human, Footwear, Shoe, Apparel, Clothing

A beautiful family pic

Olivia Haines

Now this girl has a story to tell, she came back with a guy only to leave him asleep in the entrance of the library??? Surrounded in McDonald’s wrappers?? Is that how you pull in 2018 because I don’t know either? She assures me though that she escaped successfully by running back through campus with a mouthful of fries. Every love story really does have a happy ending.

Image may contain: Afro Hairstyle, Club, Night Life, Hair, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person

Pretty scary if you ask me

Jordan Gay

It may be suggested that it wasn’t QUITE Jordan’s fault that he was this much of a state, as the night started with a game of paranoia in which every question was who was most likely to be called Jordan, and a game of ring of fire where the rule was that Jordan had to drink when anyone else did. Peer pressure – did I hear Block 4 Flat 4 Pendle? He claims to not remember much of the night, but fell asleep in the bathroom.

Image may contain: Face, Night Club, Night Life, Party, Club, Human, Person

Jordan is the lovely lad at the front, are these people really THAT happy to be out with such an animal??

Frank Robinson

Frank really is out of this world. Never has a fresher originated from space before. His antics have been heard all around campus, but he was a year too late for Extrav Terrestrial. He loves hanging with his human pals at house 98. Rumour has it he’s even running for County pres.

Image may contain: Play Area, Playground, Smile, Face, Pants, Toy, Play, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person

An alien pole dancing is a sight I thought I’d never lay eyes on!

What’s Next?

Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for next heats for Lancaster’s Maddest Fresher!