What’s On(line) in Lancaster: Week four
The term may be coming to an end, but there are more activities than ever!
With the last week of term about to begin, it’s easy to think that there’s not much going on as things begin to wind down. But this is not the case. The Lancaster Tab have made sure to dig up all sorts of things to get involved in , proving that it’s never too late to get involved with university life and even make new friends at the last minute. This is what’s on(line) this week!
Pendle Sports Awards
The Pendle sports awards is a celebration of the sporting abilities of all the college’s teams. This will still be showcased despite COVID-19 and the Sports Awards will be hosted via a YouTube video similar to “Stay at Homestrav”.
The Pendle Sports Awards will take place on Saturday 27th of June at 7:30pm. More information is coming soon via the Facebook page.

Image via. Pendle College Facebook
County College Sofa-thon
County college are putting together a list of events that you can take part in. For two nights in a row, from the 26th to the 27th of June, there will be two nights filled with fun and celebration to raise money for The Albert Kennedy Trust. The event is open to everyone not just County College members.
The list of events are as follows:
- Pointless – Get in teams of two and test you knowledge of obscure answers.
- Lancaster’s Got Talent – Submit a video of your talent to the County College facebook page. Voting will be done by the Lancaster public.
- Mr and Mrs – Test your knowledge on your best mate or significant other.
- Blind Dates – Feeling lonely in quarantine? County has got you covered.
- Family Fortunes – Make a team of five with your mates and take on another team trying to guess the most popular answers from an 100 person survey.
- Bingo Live – Join county for a classic game of bingo. There are lots of prizes to be won and some special surprises.
- Quarantine Pub Quiz – Join county for the final quarantine pub quiz. There is lots of fun to be had and prizes to be won.
If you fancy the sound of any of these, you can sign up now.

Image via. The County College Facebook
Men’s Mental Health week
With Men’s Mental Health week coming to an end (15th-21st June), Lancaster Nightline has highlighted several aims designed to promote Men’s Health and Wellbeing. Some of these aims include increasing the awareness of health problems experienced by men, supporting men and boys to participate in healthy lifestyle choices and encouraging the detection and treatment of preventable health difficulties experienced by men.
This year’s theme is ‘Take Action on COVID-19’, encouraging taking actions to prevent the spread of the virus and making the best of lockdown. “Lancaster Nightline supports efforts to destigmatise discussions and actions around men’s mental health, in order to promote a society more tolerant and understanding of the invisible difficulties faced by men and everyone else, especially in these unusual times.”
Due to COVID-19, the usual phone service is unavailable, but Lancaster Nightline can still be contacted by email until the end of term at [email protected].
Pendle Netflix Party
Pendle are encouraging everyone to come together to watch some of your favourite films together. The Netflix Party will take place on Friday the 26th of June at 7:30pm. A poll will be put up on the Pendle Instagram page to vote on the films you want to watch.
Lancaster Arts International Collaboration Concert
Join Lancaster Arts for their first online concert. The concert will be an international collaboration: The Chants of Thar Desert which will be performed at the University of Goa in India. It is a collaboration between Western and Eastern traditions: Flamenco, Sefardic, Hindustani and Sacred Choral music.
The concert will take place this Thursday June 25th at 5:30pm. it will be available to online to watch live from the University of Goa and all tickets will be £10. Tickets are available to purchase on the Lancaster Arts website and more information about the event can be found on the Facebook page.
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