Lancaster Uni ranked a 2:2 class uni by People and Planet University League Table
The uni scored zero per cent on Environmental Policy, Carbon Management and Waste and Recycling
Lancaster University has been rated as a lower second class university on analysis of their sustainability by the People & Planet University League table 2021.
The table, released this week, ranked all UK universities in a range of areas concerning their “environmental and ethical performance.”
Lancaster placed 79th out of 154 on the list, placing it in the 2:2 class category, amongst other well-renowned universities, such as the University of Cambridge and University of St. Andrews.
People & Planet observed the universities on 13 different categories, including environmental policy, ethical investment, workers’ rights, and sustainable food.
According to their website, the People & Planet League Table “is the only comprehensive and independent league table of UK universities ranked by environmental and ethical performance. It is compiled annually by the UK’s largest student campaigning network, People & Planet.”
Lancaster Uni scored zero per cent on three categories: environmental policy, carbon management, and waste recycling. However, on the other end of the spectrum, it scored as high as 100 per cent in the auditing & EMS category, 80 per cent in energy sources, and 67 per cent in education.
A spokesperson for Lancaster University said: “Lancaster’s teaching and research activities and our carbon reduction commitments are already well recognised as sector-leading examples for supporting the challenges faced by climate change.
“Following the University’s declaration of the climate emergency, our commitment to sustainability was strengthened by transferring all its managed investment portfolios to two new sustainable funds and University has also signed the COP26 declaration on climate expectations of asset management led by Students Organising for Sustainability.
“We are also about to implement new sustainable travel and procurement guidance and have made significant changes to the Staff Flexible Benefits offering to make sustainable travel modes more accessible, installed more cycle parking facilities, electric car points and are exploring other facilities to positively influence decisions around travel.
“We also continue to work closely with our students via Green Lancaster which is positioned at the core of our sustainability plans and our recent COP26 festival provided an opportunity to bring together Lancaster’s leading voices on climate change issues in conversation with staff, student and the local community.
“We are pleased to see our People and Planet league table position rise modestly, but are now focused on ensuring our position across sustainability league tables more truly represents our commitments and achievements as we further build our response to the climate emergency.”