We interviewed ScouseSoc to find out what it’s all about
ScouseSoc is one of the university’s new, unofficial societies on the rise
This academic year, Lancaster University has seen the birth of a slew of new societies. From a society dedicated to lovers of Taylor Swift to one that gives students the opportunity to drink a multitude of discounted cocktails and not feel guilty about it, Lancs really is beginning to have a society for everything. But, until just a few weeks ago, there was a glaring gap in Lancs’ society offerings: a Scouse society.
There’s no denying that the Scouse population in Lancs is almost larger than the number of people actually from Lancaster and situated only an hour and 20 minutes below the uni, the Liverpudlians are here to make sure we know it.
ScouseSoc began as a joke, started by the society’s President and second year Criminology student Alex. Alex is known throughout the Lancaster community as a true Scouser, so it’s only natural that she would create an entire society surrounding her dear home town. The society’s Instagram has all the information on the society’s exec and its socials, so make sure to check it out if you believe you are the perfect potential member for this society.
‘If you can’t beat them, join them’
We began by asking Alex why she started ScouseSoc, to which she responded: “The society was started purely for banter. I feel like a lot of societies take themselves really seriously and require skill and commitment and that can be really daunting. As someone who possesses neither of these qualities, I felt left out as Wednesday nights were really society oriented, so I thought if you can’t beat them, join them!”
The next question we asked was what makes her passionate about being a Scouser. Alex told us that one of the main reasons is that “Scousers don’t take themselves as seriously as the rest of the country.” She described Liverpool as a “fun and interesting place” where she “really enjoyed growing up.” Alex also said that she’s come to realise that Liverpool is incredibly “divisive”, and in her own words, “I personally love arguing”.
‘To live and breathe Liverpool’
The next, all-important question we asked was what it means to be a Scouser. Alex had a pretty simple answer to this, she said: “We believe what it means to be a Scouser is to be from Liverpool, but failing that, to live and breathe Liverpool”. In answer to who is able to join the society, she told us: “Anyone who is well versed with Scouse culture and wants to get involved”.
‘We accept Wools’
She also made a point of saying that ScouseSoc do accept Wools since there isn’t a sufficient number of pure Scousers at Lancs, and she would “feel mean” operating a “strict admissions policy”, and Alex said that there are “extra points” for members who support Liverpool or Everton. However, under no circumstances will ScouseSoc accept anyone who supports the Sun newspaper.
If you fancy joining the society, all you have to do is fill out the Google form in their Instagram bio, and if you believe you’re so Scouse you should be on the exec, just shoot them a DM on Instagram. Despite being a society aimed at the Liverpudlians among us, ScouseSoc is actually open to everyone, and they throw a great party.
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