Slam Dunk! Live poetry will be making a monthly return to Lancaster
Poetry lovers, the time has finally come to dust off your calligraphy pens
Lancaster resident and woolly hat enthusiast, Benjamin Guilfoyle, is bringing live poetry back to Lancaster for the first time since lockdown.
The Lancaster Guardian reports that Benjamin will be hosting monthly literature events at popular student spot, The Herbarium. These occasions have been cleverly coined “The Wordarium” and will take place in partnership with Lancaster Litfest to serve “as a celebration of words and local voices.”
The events will take the form of ten open mic spots and one guest poet as means of resurrecting the “bustling spoken word scene” that Benjamin claims the city once had.
Keen student poets, as well as drama and literature students, will be pleased to hear that during each event, a book swap will also take place to give word lovers the opportunity to explore more poetry.
Each event will also be a means of raising money for four different charities, with the proceeds from the first three events going to The Lancaster Men’s Hub, which advertises “well-being through doing.”
Benjamin said: “I want to give the people of Lancaster a place to have their voices heard in a space that is safe, inclusive and non-judgemental.
“The Wordarium project owes so much to the Working Title and Spotlight spoken word events that came before it, and I hope that The Wordarium can continue what they started.”
The first event will be taking place tonight at The Herbarium on Great John Street, starting at 7.30 pm. Those wishing to attend will pay £4 for entry.
More information can be found on the Wordarium Instagram.