Leeds Uni vs. Leeds Met
We judged the two universities on some highly irrelevant criteria. Here is what we found.
It’s time to settle the debate once and for all: Which is better, Leeds uni or Leeds met?
But forget degree classifications, we compared the two universities on the things that matter most to students.
Using a range of important data, let’s find out.
Which students drink the most?
Drinking is highly important to most students, so it’s clearly an important factor in determining which uni is better. This survey measured average number of units drank per student per week.
LEEDS UNI – 22.3
LEEDS MET – 20.5
Bad luck Met, all those VKs in Oceana don’t cut it.
Which uni is the most down to earth?
Pretty much all universities have a mix of down to earth and posh. But whether you call them Rahs or Toffs, you can only deal with so many spoiled brats living off daddy’s money. These results show the percentage of students who attended independent schools.
LEEDS UNI – 26.9%
LEEDS MET – 6.7%
Met win this one by a landslide. We should just be thankful Uni ended up with such a low figure after a chant like ‘Your Dad works for my Dad..
Which is the best sporting university?
Sports are a way for universities to get competitive and also gives them an excuse to slag each other off via hilarious chants. Varsity is always a tense time of year, particularly for uni.
The two universities were compared for BUCS ranking.
LEEDS UNI – 12th in the UK
LEEDS MET – 7th in the UK
Leeds met won, but then they are a sports uni. If they didn’t win this one we’d have to question if they could ever win anything.
Which students, on average, have more sexual partners whilst at uni?
This survey asked how many sex partners students have had since starting Uni.
LEEDS UNI – 3.26
LEEDS MET – 4.27
Yes, another win for Leeds Met – they’ve had a whole 1.01 partners more than us! Maybe Leeds Uni are just going for quality over quantity, or maybe we just have higher standards..
Which university has the best looking students?
Here’s one we can be proud of. Both Cosmo and Whatuni have ranked universities by how good looking their students are. And here’s the results:
LEEDS UNI – 1st/1st
LEEDS MET – 9th/10th
Says it all really.
Which university has the more attractive campus?
Where can we start? We have the iconic Parkinson building, the magnificent Great Hall, the leafy green School of English..
Met have that building with a weird wooden panel and the wonky one you see on your way back from town? Easy choice, Uni wins this one.
Based on our excellent criteria, the result is somehow a draw..
But bringing in all important entry standards and of course academic reputation (Leeds Met didn’t even make the world top 400 this year!), it would be criminal not to give the victory to Uni.