Lecturer’s uni profile tells students they’re going to hell
‘I reckon the salvation of the awful, grotty inhabitants of Planet Moron is very urgent’
Maths lecturer Charles Read’s university webpage says those who don’t follow Christianity are going to end up in hell.
In the “Christian Testimony of Charles Read”, accessible from his profile on the uni website, the Professor tells people who think they’re “too cool” for Jesus that “it won’t be cool in Hell.”
The page has been accessible to students for years, and there appear to be no plans to remove it.
In his testimony, Professor Read details his conversion to Christianity, describing himself as “a born-again Christian first, all other things afterwards.”
He writes: “More seriously, I reckon the salvation of the awful, grotty inhabitants of Planet Moron is very urgent. We shouldn’t wait for nice surroundings before expecting the Lord to move among them.
“God Bless you, I hope that you find answers as I did. I strongly urge you to seek the truth as a researcher, not trusting anyone else to do your basic investigations for you.
“That’s right, Jesus is the Way. But you have to find that out for yourself. For those who seek find, but those who can’t be bothered, or who think they’re too cool, end in a very dark place. It won’t be cool in Hell.”
Despite many students feeling unhappy about the nature of Professor Read’s profile, Leeds Uni have not said they’re planning to remove the testimony.
A University spokesperson said: “As an institution, we are encouraged to promoting and encouraging freedom of expression and, as such, we tolerate a wide range of views.
“Many of our academics use personal web pages housed within the University’s site not only to expand on academic matters but also to express ideas and opinions relation to their own personal interests.
“The University publishes guidelines for staff regarding the use of web pages and other social media. These are reviewed on a regular basis and changes introduced as necessary.”