Leeds is the third most employable uni in the UK

Only Oxford and Cambridge beat us

Leeds University students are the third most employable in the UK.

The QS Employability Rankings, which came out today, also ranked us 20th in the world.

Oxford and Cambridge came in first and second, unsurprisingly.

Welcome to the big leagues

Not only did we beat UK unis such as Durham and LSE, but we also ranked above prestigious US institutions such as NYU and Johns Hopkins.

Some of the results were unexpected to say the least – including Cranfield University coming in front of Exeter in the UK rankings.

Robert Partridge, Director of Student Opportunity at Leeds, said: “We have developed our distinctive Leeds Curriculum, with its focus on employability.

“It is fitting, then, that these efforts should be recognised in the first ever QS Employability Rankings.

“We will continue to make employment of our graduates a top priority in an increasingly competitive job market.”