Image may contain: Building, Urban, Smile, Face, Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person, Chair, Furniture

Nominate Leeds’ scariest basement to find the next Devil Dungeon

Bonus points if you recreate these photos


After the Devil Dungeon's rise to fame on The Tab and two hellish house parties, it's time to find the next scariest basement of Leeds. We have had multiple rounds of Leeds' most eligible bachelorette, wildest fresher and even the poshest student going – but the basements of Leeds deserve some recognition.

Image may contain: Graffiti, Art

It seems to be a Leeds tradition that when you show up for pres or a house party, you get a tour of the entire house – specifically the basement. People get competitive and almost bitchy over who's basement is dirtier, darker and most importantly, scarier.

In my three years at Leeds, I have seen some absolutely RANK basements – I even lived in the basement last year but don't worry, that room was fully cleaned and furnished. It is safe to say I have earned my title as the "Dungeon Girl."

Image may contain: Female, Leisure Activities, Night Club, Skin, Club, Clothing, Apparel, Party, Human, Person

But is your basement as terrifying as mine? If so, we want to hear about it!

Fill out this form, send us a pic of it and let the battle of the dungeons' commence.