Lincoln SU elections warning: dire campaign videos ahead

VIDEO: Before they show you what they can do, some campaigners seem intent on showing you what they shouldn’t ever do

Scroll down for video.

Last year, some of our supposedly world-famous universities produced some fairly awful videos, most notably Loughborough SU’s “worst video ever made” and another that was “almost as bad as Loughborough’s” from University of Birmingham Sport.

And now it’s happening in Lincoln – this trend looks set to continue with this year’s media output, as the officer elections begin at Lincoln SU.

The campaign video from Brian “Irish Brian” Alcorn, who wants to be elected as next year’s president, is an out-of-tune cover of multi-award-winning song ‘Royals’ by Lorde.

And here it is in its full glory:

Viewers are told that Brian qualifies for the post because he has “done a few great things”, wears green, and managed to lead a sad-looking goth back into university.

Other campaign videos include an VP Academic Affairs candidate who struggles to walk around in straight lines.

This candidate clearly isn’t a fan of visibility on campus

Videos for some campaigns have yet to be released, but keep checking back – The Tab endeavours to keep you cringing.