Clubbers of the week: Feeling alive in week five
The chaos and carnage of Halloween never fails to disappoint
Lincoln’s high street has filled with costumes ranging from good to ‘I own a white t-shirt and I can buy fake blood from Tesco’. This means one thing, it’s Halloween week. Arguably the best week for us, for some reason all logic flies out the window once you have a scary mask on. Here’s the best (and worst, because where would the fun be without it) of this week.
Album Cover of the week

Monster Mash remix, anyone?
Runners up

If The Purge were to create an album to enact their menacing along to I think this would make the perfect cover

Some spooky jazz for you all
Costume of the week

The yassification of Bob the Builder
Runners up

A classic bestie costume idea

The effort that went into this is insane, sadly sparkly builders’ helmets have just beaten you to first place
Creeper of the week

I’m sorry but this is basically the best picture we’ve ever had, Wally is the OG creeper
Runners up

Is this more of an anti-creep? Discuss

The two types of creeper are portrayed well in this photo
Dancing Queen of the week

Hands in the air and smiles on their faces, these girls are what being a dancing queen is all about
Runners up

The eye contact is powerful, this girl knows how to look like a confident queen

This is his song, we’re all simply backing dancers in his moment
Hero of the week

These heroes haven’t allowed the possibility of heat exhaustion to stop them from going all out
Runners up

A hero who cares about giving back, he’s out here high-fiving us all in this pic

A heroic penguin just trying to bring the good vibes
Squad of the week

An infinity squad, because we’re all friends once the tunes are going and the strobe lights make it hard to tell where your actual friends have gone
Runners up

If you didn’t realise, Bully is actually part of a superhero squad

When in doubt, get a pink fluffy cowboy hat
Stunner of the week

These girls aren’t only super spooky, they make horror look good
Runners up

Your outfits are adorable I am so obsessed with you both

Strike a pose, ladies
Unhappy Clubber of the week

The true look of a fifth wheel, we’ve all been there mate
Runners up

When you get the feeling that drama might be about to start

We’ve all unintentionally made direct eye contact with a club camera when we didn’t mean to
WTF of the week

Everyone’s first reaction to Bully goes a little something like this
Runners up

This guy is testing the Wizard of Oz theory (tap your heels together twice and chant ‘there’s no place like home’) and would you look at that, it’s worked!

None of you coordinated the poses here but it makes for a fabulous pic
Photo credits: Patrick Axe @ Axholme Media Productions
Want to keep up to date to see if you make Clubbers of the week next time? Follow us on Instagram!
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