Rugby league lady lumps raise thousands for charity

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A naked calendar starring the women’s rugby team has raised a whopping £2,000.

They released the raunchy calendar last year in aid of Joining Jack, a charity raising awareness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

14 team members of the team took their kit off for in locations all over the city, from University Square to the docks.

Team member Olivia Davison explained the speed of the team’s calendar success: “The first batch of calendars sold out and we printed more.

“The calendars then completely sold out and we raised a fantastic £2,000 for Joining Jack.

“All the girls are exceptionally proud of this figure and astonished by how big the calendar went.”

The team has plans to expand on their charitable efforts this summer, with nine members of the side running the 10k BTR tunnel run in Liverpool for both Joining Jack and Prostate Cancer Research.

Another team player will be undergoing the Liverpool half marathon this March in aid of Brain Tumour Research.

Half of the profits made from the fundraiser will go toward Joining Jack to help fund research into a cure for DMD, while the rest of the funds will go towards the club.

Olivia said: “Women’s rugby league is not currently widely played at university level, and we lack funding to afford equipment and transport to away matches.

“We are also trying to encourage other universities to offer the sport to women and this money would help us do this.”