Library raked in a whopping £21,000 in fines since August

Must have been some bloody good books

A staggering £208,215.71 has been collected in library fines since 2012.

Harold Cohen and Sydney Jones have been raking it in, dishing out over 297,934 separate library fines since August 2012.

They’ve collected £21,700.35 in fines since the start of this academic year alone, from just 36,258 fines.

Third year Classics student and Sydney Jones veteran Luke Kay is shocked by the numbers.

He said: “The figures speak for themselves, don’t they. What I want to know is, what are they doing with that money?”

In the year 2012 to 2013, over £100,000 was collected in fines.

This dropped by over £20,000 the following year, with the University taking £81,577.66.

This year so far, over £21,000 has been collected because dozy students have returned books late or damaged them.

The Freedom of Information request also revealed a student was fined £500 for “damage to University property and possession of a controlled substance on University premises”, in the period between September 2013 and January of this year.