Who are you voting for in the General Election?

Nobody said UKIP

The General Election is tomorrow, and for weeks politics has been the big talk on campus.

David Cameron has called it the “biggest election in a generation” and the precious student vote is seemingly up for grabs for whoever wants it.

We searched campus to get a feel for what boxes you lot will be ticking tomorrow.

Third year Politics student Craig said: “Fuck the Tories.”

Craig says he will be voting Labour. Let’s just hope he puts more thought into his revision than he put into this explanation.

Third year Politics student Sean said: “The economic inequalities in this country today are totally unacceptable.”

Like his fellow student of Politics, Sean will be giving his vote to Miliband’s Labour on Thursday.

Billy (left), Ron (middle) and Jacob (right)

Billy, Ron and Jacob are second year Physicists. They may be best of mates, but they had very different things to say in regards to who should be running the country.

Billy is voting Green because he thinks “they are the party most committed to tackling inequality”.

Ron, however, is undecided between a few parties, and uses “a process of elimination” when deciding who to vote for.

He told us: “The Lib Dem’s don’t act on their promises so can’t be trusted with the vote. Labour are the most socially aware party, but I trust Conservatives to handle the economy.”

Jacob is voting Conservative because his vote “will be based on how they can handle the economy”.

Bethany, part time Masters student, said: “I’m voting Green because I agree with the wider issues they deal with.

“I believe they have hope and humanism which will contribute to a better government.”

Third year Psychology student Luke is another undecided voter up for grabs.

He told us: “I’ve voted Conservative in the past, but this is the first time I’d consider voting for someone like Green. It’s no longer a two horse race.”

You’re right Luke, it really isn’t.

Luke, Business Management fresher, made up his mind to vote Labour after watching BBC’s Question Time.

“I was convinced by Question Time that Ed was tough enough and Cameron was sneaky. I also want to protect the NHS.”

Geography fresher Lauren (left) is keeping things simple when it comes to her vote.

She said: “I’m voting Conservative because I know the MP.”

You can’t really argue with that.