FemSoc are protesting against pro-life abortion speaker

PhilSoc think they’re attacking his freedom of speech

Philosophy Society have invited a pro-life guest to speak at the Guild and FemSoc are protesting.

Tomorrow at 4pm in the Stanley Theatre, Christian pro-life doctor Calum Miller will be talking about abortion.

Calum Miller has published articles such as “Christianity and abortion”,  “A brief case against abortion”, and “When Ideology Trumps Evidence: Abortion and Mental Health” – which are all anti-abortion criticisms of the pro-choice ideology.

His articles all propose the Christian religious case for being pro-life, arguing that terminating pregnancies is effectively killing. However, his articles neglect any consideration for the case of women’s body autonomy.

FemSoc want to protest against this event as a show of their support the right to abortion.

They criticised the event for being one sided and being lead by a cisgender man – who would never have to face the decision of having an abortion, so shouldn’t dictate to those for whom this is a very sensitive issue.

Members of Philosophy Society, however, argue he is entitled to his views and should be able to freely speak at the university.

Home of riots

Grace Edwards, a member of FemSoc and a Philosophy MA student, told us: “It’s unacceptable that at an event surrounding the topic of abortion, the only elevated perspective we would hear is from a cisgender male.

“A staunch pro-life stance can be very damaging to those who have or may have an abortion.

“Men are welcome in any debate, but should absolutely never dictate to those that can bear children about such a heavy issue.

“Despite PhilSoc’s best efforts, FemSoc will not be silenced on the issue of abortion.”

Michael Sonne, head of PhilSoc and organiser of the event, said: “The offer was made to voice the opposing side in relation to the structure of the proposed event: lecture with Q&A.

“Attempts to avoid this offer have shown a worrying contempt for freedom of speech. Rather than seeing the lecture as an exercise in philosophy (the free flow of ideas that can be challenged) the picket symbolises a blockade which is unwarranted.

“Unwarranted by the fact the picket is basically saying ‘We are right and that’s the end of it’.”

FemSoc, and all those who want to join, will assemble at 3:10 in the Library of the Guild to brief before going ahead to the event.

They will aim to silently be present at his event with placards and banners, but picketers may choose to leave an enter as they feel comfortable.

FemSoc also aim to participate in the Q&A session to challenge the speaker.