Doing your degree in bed will change your life
Stream lectures have changed the world
It’s 9am: You’re stumbling along half asleep trying to make it to the lecture you’re already late for. Meanwhile, I’m in bed sound asleep.
When you finally make it to that lecture 10 minutes late, you realise it’s a waste of time. You’ve been dozing for half an hour, made 3 bullet points worth of notes and leave feeling even more suicidal than when you arrived. There’s always that one lecturer, who ruins life for you – mono-tone, completely unenthusiastic and worst of all has a strange accent you just can’t make sense of.
What lecture?
Ever wanted to just rewind what he said, because you missed it whilst your mind was drifting away, questioning all your life choices as to how you got here and why? I get that option for every moment of the lecture because I do my degree from my bed.
If I feel like I want to drown myself in sorrows, I simply just pause that awful droning voice. Then, when I finally feel mentally prepared again I can carry on: simple as that.
Why sit in this horrific room when you could be laid out on a bed of feathers?
Ah the beauty of stream lectures – allowing you to do your degree from under your duvet. They mean you don’t have to go through the embarrassment of trying to hide in the shadows when lecturers decide to be ‘interactive’ and pick on people to answer questions. They can’t see you when you’re tucked under your quilt. Unless of course, you’re that single person in the lecture theatre who is vocal about asking and answering questions (if thats you I’d stick to lectures – someone’s got to do it).
It’s not just the lecturers that make attending a lecture in person a pain: there’s also the constant pitter-pattering of an army of Apple Macbook owner’s. Nothing is more irritating than the echo of keyboard tapping following every single word said by the lecturer. Seriously, they’re called lecture notes for a reason.
My laptop doesn’t even fit on the table
If you’re like me, uni has made you a complete insomniac: you find yourself looking at the time at 11:57pm thinking “Oh it’s fine, I have another few hours before bed time”. Your functioning hours of the day do not consist of a typical 9am-5pm schedule anymore: it’s more like 3pm-1am. And when you try tying all that in with a part-time job, feeding yourself and trying to have a social life like I do, well, who has time to be following a timetable? Sos Liverpool, I’ve got my own timetable.
Preparing for seminars and tutorials is difficult and time consuming. Who has time to waste going to lectures when they are scheduled, especially if they’re scheduled back to back with your seminars. Talk about inconvenient.
When you do you degree from your red, you can do all the last minute reading and content catch up before the seminar rather than withering away in a lecture theatre the other side of campus. Then you can do the lectures in your own time, probably in the early hours of the morning in the comfort of your bed.
But there is a catch…
If you don’t keep up with the stream lectures you can fall into the trap of being weeks behind. You’ll be so far behind you won’t even be able to go to a lecture even if you wanted too. You’ll fall into a deep dark pit of endless stream lectures, that has no ending in the foreseeable future.
So if you think you can handle the bed degree give it a try, but be warned: it’s not for the faint hearted.