Man facing two years in prison for stealing coursework from UoL buildings
The judge said he was a “waste of life”
Wesley Evans, who has spent half of his adult life in prison, has been locked up again today over several burglaries targeting university buildings, one of which saw students’ coursework taken.
The 33-year-old has been jailed for two years after admitting five counts of burglary at Liverpool Crown Court.
The court heard how Evans stole thousands of pounds worth of goods, as well as important coursework and personal papers, from Jeremy Jones, Maryam Al-Qassab and Sam Coates as they studied.
Evans handed himself in after his image appeared in an Echo CCTV appeal.
Prosecutor Iain Criddle told the court: “All five matters are similar in that he has gained access to various University buildings. He has probably tail-gated students for legitimate access, and once inside has stolen from the buildings.”
Judge Steven Everett expressed the “devastating” effect of losing coursework and said: “It really is a huge loss to a student, some can’t be replaced and it will affect their degree. You are affecting their future by what you have stolen.”
Evans entered the buildings several times, stealing all manner of things. His original accusations were as follows:
– On November 29 entering a building in the University of Liverpool Central Campus, Peach Street, and stealing a Nike rucksack and cycle helmet worth £70.
– On December 13 entering Rodney House, in Mount Pleasant, and stealing an ASUS Zenbook, a computer mouse, a Monster power pack, keys, an Eagle Creek Bag and a Samsung phone charger worth a total of £2,000.
– On December 16 entering a building, again in the central campus, and stealing a Fiorella handbag, sim cards, a purse, keys, make-up, university coursework and personal papers worth a total of £200.
– On December 16 entering a building on Ashton Street and Brownlow Hill and stealing a Dell XPF 15 laptop and bag valued at £1,800.
– On December 19 entering a history building in Mount Pleasant with intent to steal, but stopped by staff.
He told police he had stolen the bags to pay for cannabis.
Judge Steven Everett, passing sentence, told Evans: “If one looks at the time you spent in custody since your 15th birthday, it is probably more than half. What a waste of a life.”