A guide to the cheapest nights out in Liverpool
And believe it or not, they’re not all free
Whether you're from the North, the South or a true scouser, Liverpool always can offer a good night. However, it doesn't have to be expensive – here are some tips and venues that offer cheap but wonderful nights out.
The Raz
The Blue angel not only offers a 'heavenly' night out, disgusting, but great music, and it also comes at a pretty reasonable price. Whether you're wanting to spend a tenner or less, it's more than easy to do so at the Raz. Just £1.50 to get in on Mondays, and a variation of drinks from £1. Get yourself a Fat Frog and have a good'un.
You're ready for the weekend and you want a late one but a cheap one – Jackaranda can help you with both of these needs. Cheap bottles of Carlsberg and great tunes. And to make your life easier, you're only a 10 second drunken stumble away from that QuadVod in Faculty.
The home of the Quad Vod and not being able to remember how the night went. If you want one of those, do it on the cheap at Faculty.
Quids In – does what it says on the tin and more. Drinks from a quid, and Arctic Monkeys' greatest hits to sort your night out for you. Right proper good.
Secretly everyone's favourite but without the recognition it deserves. Pints are pretty cheap and the music is good. As well as this, a nice game of pool will keep you going until you need to get the 86 bus home.
Whether it's a day or night of big sports games or you just fancy having a boogie and a game of pool, McCooley's is good for both. However it's not the cheapest, but with a student card you can get a McCooley's discount card which will make your night a little be less expensive than you originally planned. You're welcome.
Tequila. Shots. £1. Need I say more?!
Slaters Bar
Inexpensive, casual and closes at 2am. Perfect time for you to grab a box of popcorn chicken and have an 'early' night.
Whether you're planning on drinking in town before your big night out or just meeting at a friend's house, there are some cheap places to go. The Font's range of cocktails is super cheap with prices ranges from £2 upwards. Everyone on Smithdown will probably pre in the Brookhouse at sometime or another. And if you're worried about spending too much at Asda or Co-op always check the reduced section for the occasional alcoholic beverage that's been placed there.