
The popularity of naked calendars has spilled over into this Boat Club fundraiser.

Rowing is traditionally thought to be an elitist sport, so you probably think that UCL Boat Club is loaded, able to buy new boats every year and take spontaneous weekends away to Henlehhh. In fact, we are struggling to stay afloat (ha) and thus have resorted (like the rest of the student population, apparently) to losing our clothes and donning all that the Boat Club has given us…

Yes, it’s another one of those Naked Calendars.

The funding given to UCL societies from the Union is minimal in comparison to the universities against whom we are trying to compete. So it is up to our own means to raise the funds and buy the resources we need. We would have to sell almost 4000 calendars to buy a new boat (the equivalent in price of a BMW 3-series), but really whatever money we raise helps towards coaching, equipment and racing fees so that we can represent UCL as a competent and competitive Boat Club.

Plus, why wouldn’t you want this on your wall…

(All photography done by the excellent Becca Kwo: