Get to know the UCLU Netball Varsity Squad
The London Varsity Series introduces the Netball Varsity between UCLU and KCLSU for the first time ever – the Tab brings eager fans a guide to our UC Netball 1s.
UCLU Netball 1s compete in BUCS South Eastern 1A, KCLSU Netball 1s compete in BUCS South Eastern 2B. Statistically speaking the Netball Varsity should be a walk in the park for our UC netballers.
However, despite their different league tiers, the standard of netball is quite similar (which is very high – there are 18 netball leagues in total in BUCS South Eastern), and UCLU and KCLSU have always been very competitive.
So come equipped with this “who’s who” guide to the UCLU Netball 1st team on Saturday March 8th to watch what promises to be an intense showdown against Strand Poly!
Hannah Rebecca Button (Captain)
Age: 21
Position: Goal Attack/Centre
Spirit Animal: Direwolf
Favourite Food: Crème eggs (plural)
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Anything involving a team and a ball (no plural this time)
Roberta Louise Jackson (Vice Captain)
Age: 22
Position: Any position that doesn’t have an A on it
Spirit Animal: Dog (because she’s really enthusiastic and likes chasing balls)
Favourite Food: Almonds
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Lacrosse
Joanna May Reynolds
Age: 22
Position: Centre
Spirit Animal: Gazelle
Favourite Food: Steak
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Skiing
Alice Emily Hannah Lawson
Age: 20
Position: Wing Defence/Goal Defence
Spirit Animal: Fish
Favourite Food: Malteaser bunnies
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Benchball
Katie Sanderson
Age: 21
Position: Goal Shooter/Goal Attack
Spirit Animal: Sheep
Favourite Food: Onions
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Curling
Caroline Jane Jeffrey
Age: 19
Position: Goal Defence/Centre
Spirit Animal: Penguin
Favourite Food: Spaghetti Carbonora or anything with lemons
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Football
Emma Kate Thomas
Age: 22
Position: Wing Attack
Spirit Animal: Owl
Favourite Food: Cheese. Meat. Cheese and meat.
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Gymnastics
Gemma Louise Bagge
Age: 20
Position: Goal Shooter/Goal Attack/Wing Attack
Spirit Animal: Dolphin – Water baby
Favourite Food: Mum’s roast pork
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Torn between the pool and ski slopes
Rebecca Louise Walker
Age: 26
Position: Goal Keep
Spirit Animal: Meerkat
Favourite Food: Grapes of the fermented and bottled persuasion (Rebecca rebeliously strays away from the “food” category)
Favourite Sport other than Netball: Beer Pong (potential 2015 Beer Pong Varsity?)