Reports of sexual offences on London transport double in last five years

Arrests for sexual offences have increased 36% since 2015

Following the relaunch of the ‘Report it to stop it’ campaign, as the Tab reported earlier this month, statistics have become available that report the increase in the number of sexual offences on London transport.

In the last 5 years, reports for sexual offences on London transport have doubled, from a figure of 1,023 at the beginning of this period, and up to 2,087 after the launch of the campaign.

This follows the statistic that although an estimated 1 in 10 people experience sexual harassment on London transport, less than 90% of these people report such offences.

As the BBC reported, The Mayor of London encourages travellers to “to speak up and report unwanted sexual behaviour”.

Additionally the Head of Transport Policy at TfL, Siwan Hayward, commented upon the aims of the campaign in light of these figures: “Our new ‘Report it to Stop it’ film builds on our previous campaign’s success and encourages victims to come forward and report anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.”

“No matter how insignificant they feel it may be, every report is taken extremely seriously by police and investigated so the offender can be caught and brought to justice.”