Are mid term blues a thing?
Too many deadlines
It’s that time of the term, the no man’s land of the social and academic calendar.
Reading week has passed in a haze of regrettable unproductive days and box sets and all you’ve read is the takeaway menu at the back of the kitchen cupboard. Your sleeping pattern is turning more and more nocturnal with each day. A 1pm lecture now feels like a 9am and with the clocks turning forward – some days you don’t even see sunlight. Your enthusiasm for socialising is beginning to diminish and you start to prefer your own company to that of your friends. Mid term blues.
We asked you if you think it’s really a thing:
Peter Fisher, second year Pharmacy
“I’m not convinced. I’ve never experienced something like that, but then again I’m very easily entertained so I don’t really loose focus.”
Fiona Edwards, second year Portuguese and Art History
“Definitely. I’d had enough of uni and Manchester recently so I went home for a week, but that’s more because I was fed up with my housemates more than anything else. I feel better after I’ve been home though.”
Rheanna McClean, second year International Fashion Promotion
“I think I had a bit of mid semester blues in the first year. However sometimes I just feel as though people use it as justification for not doing anything.”
Lizzie Uttley, second year, Italian and German
“Mid semester blues definitely exist, but I went home for reading week so it hasn’t affected me as much as some of my friends who stayed in Manchester. At least I can begin to look forward to Christmas.”
Hugh Wright, second year Politics and IR
“I think it is a thing, it gets to a point in the semester when I just want to hang out on my own, listening to some really mellow music, it really makes me feel better.”
Emily Lloyd Hughes, first year Philosophy
“I have no money left, but my financial status doesn’t reflect my mood so I guess i haven’t suffered mid semester blues as of yet.”