Everything you need to know about Wonder Woman Festival 2017: Manchetser’s feminist celebration

It’s the biggest feminist festival in Manchester

The fourth Wonder Woman Festival is here, in Manchester from 2nd- 12th March. Organised by the People’s History Museum and Creative Tourist, it reflects on the upcoming 100 year anniversary of women gaining the right to vote: in 1918, Parliament passed a bill allowing women to vote if they were over the age of 30 and householders, the wives of householders, occupiers of property with an annual rent of £5, as well as graduates of British universities.

With so many inspirational women from Manchester, such as Carol Ann Duffy, Emmeline Pankhurst and Marie Stopes, it is the perfect place to celebrate feminism. Here’s a breakdown of the highlights this weekend.

What’s On?

Pankhurst Lecture – 9th March – University of Manchester

Margaret Hodge, Labour MP, talks about how far women have come and how far they have yet to come, focusing on Christabel Pankhurst’s struggle to practise as a barrister despite gaining a first-class degree from the University of Manchester.

Queer Story Showcase – 9th March – People’s History Museum

A pop up cinema celebrating stories told by female led LGBTQ short films. Definitely worth going to.

The Suppliant Women – 10th March – 1st April – Royal Exchange Theatre

Following a group who have all escaped from forced marriage and their husbands who try to get them back: this is a must see. It was written 2,500 years ago and has a cast entirely from Manchester. It’s themes are relevant today when looking at refugees and the ongoing conflict between the sexes. Book now!

Putting Women Up Front – 11th March – Islington Mill

Focusing on music production and marketing, this event highlights the role women play in the music industry. There are talks from leading figures in the business and a workshop designed to help the disabled wishing to pursue a career in music. If that’s not enough for you, they are ending the day with a body positivity campaign, lead by Manchester based group ‘Free to be OK with ME’. Oh, and it’s all free.

Whose Festival is it Anyway? – 11th March – Manchester Central Library

Meet artists, producers and groups from the festival who will talk about women’s activism and Wonder Woman’s role in the campaign for equality.

Girl Gang Manchester screening Bridesmaids – 11th March – 53Two

Go and watch hilarious chick flick Bridesmaids and drink endless amounts of Prosecco. Not won over yet? They’re giving out party bags, doing workshops including cake sampling and dancing AND have table tennis. Everything is Bridesmaids themed and fancy dress is strongly encouraged.

Rebel Dykes screening – 12th March – HOME

Still a work in progress film, this non-for-profit documentary looks at the feminist queer-punk group the Rebel Dykes in 1980’s London. Made by a film crew based in Manchester, they have used genuine footage, interviews and photographs to capture the feminist movement that should never be forgotten.

Find more details here.