Spooning falling out of fashion
World record spooning attempt fails to draw a crowd at the Union.
The Newcastle SU’s attempt at breaking the world record for spooning was an unfortunate flop as interest in the event flopped.
The event billed as a world record-breaking attempt failed to distract university members from their lunchtime subway. Hopes had been to smash the current record held by Carelton College, Minnesota (USA), with an all-impressive 529 people all in unison.
However those involved in the union failed to attract the attention of volunteers despite billing the event as a chance to “enhance your CV”. Rallying attempts, including a megaphone, didn’t appear to do the trick as only an estimated 35 people emerged to grab the opportunity to join the Guinness Book of World Records.
There were even representatives dropping in on lectures in a bid to up the numbers. Harry Muris, 21, Agribusiness student was a little angered by this and said “They came in and started talking about a world record spooning attempt in my lecture, who do they think they are?”
The original feat was achieved in 2010 with the American students more than willing to adopt the position with friends and strangers alike.
The Urban Dictionary lists spooning as a “form of affection between a couple, where the man lays front to back with the girl, they fit together like spoons”. Clearly in this instance the affection was lacking!
The Tab would like to appreciate the attempt and believes that it is exactly the event that all students should be indulging in, whether in public of the sanctity of their own home.
If there is another attempt we are sure to let you know and more than keen to get involved ourselves!