Red Bull Culture Clash

Red Bull put on a DJ battle in the pub in a club in Perdu, and we saw that it was good.

Red Bull Culture Clash @ Blackie Boy, Perdu.

With one of the biggest marketing budgets in the world and famed for their sponsorship of adrenalin-fuelled activities, Red Bull have put on some of the decade’s most thrilling events.


The Tab loved Felix Baumgartner’s 18 mile sky diving antics and the Red Bull team’s complete domination in the Formula 1 Grand Prix this season.

But did you know that they put on some equally stimulating albeit less monumental events in Newcastle?

This month, in the intimate venue of Blackie Boy at the back of Perdu (the pub in a club as some know it), 8 of Newcastle’s up and coming DJs squared up for the Red Bull Culture Clash Sound Battle.

The DJs were paired up and prepared their 15-minute mix ready for a head to head battle with their rival.


The competition was judged purely on the crowd’s reaction to each DJ’s sound. But the combination of the host, Zico MC hyping the fans up and cheap Vodka Red Bulls ensured a reactive and lairy atmosphere.

Congratulations to Nick Wood aka Lo-Fi who emerged triumphant in the 3rd round against Carlos Santana.

Check out the national Culture Clash Sound Battle and other Red Bull Music Academy events.