We want to hear your best Ricky Road stories
A love letter to custard coloured walls
Calling all Ricky Roaders, past and present.
In honour of the sadly imminent destruction of the infamous Richardson Road halls at the end of this year, The Tab will be featuring a ‘Ricky Road Week’ as an ode to our favourite, fun-filled dump.
If bare-brick walls could talk
As a place of true character, Ricky has seen some unbelievable parties, pranks and general mischief since its construction back in the Seventies. We want to tell the most classic tales from all the crazy goings-on inside the ghastly green interiors that have occurred over the years.
The glory days
If you, a family member (no matter how old) or someone you know has a rib-tickling, shocking or romantic story involving Ricky, we want to find out. Whether you lived there or not, we’d love to hear as many eye-popping accounts as possible. Remember, the less PG it is, the better.
Don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] or message The Tab Newcastle page on Facebook.