Here are all the best ways to cure your hangover in Newcastle
Get out of bed!!!
Let's face it, as students, we're hungover 90 per cent of the time at university. As we painfully climb our way through our degrees, we soon realise that our hangovers literally just get worse and worse. Regard yourself as an absolute TROOPER if you can still hack Soho four nights a week.
Whilst Newcastle is home to many infamous clubs that never fail to accommodate the ruin of your life, it's also home to some of the most gorgeous hangover cures. If you fancy reliving your fresher days, or if you're struggling to cope as a fresher yourself, look no further. For the weak among us that take up to 3-5 working days to recover from a big night out, I grace you with a copious list of ways to cure your throbbing headache in our beautiful city of Newcastle. Get out of bed and head into town.
If your fragile stomach can handle it, nothing sorts you out better for the rest of day than a decent breakfast. Newcastle is FULL of amazing places to eat, so go and treat yourself to a massive fry up. You deserve it.
Why not head down to the Quayside and indulge in the Quay Ingredient's breakfast menu…
Or, if you're in Jesmond, you NEED to check out Bar Blanc's hangover menu which will cater to all your dying needs. Full English AND a milkshake.
Alternatively, if you can hack the trek to Heaton, The Butterfly Cabinet is a hungover student's dream. My only advice is – don't overestimate how much you can manage…
Walk along the Quayside
We are blessed with the stunning views of the River Tyne in our city. A brisk walk along the Quayside will make your hangover ten times easier to handle. Not only will the fresh air sort you out, but the Quayside boasts a whole host of bars, pubs, restaurants, art galleries and markets to take your mind off your banging headache and night out regrets…
Get back on it
There's nothing quite like a pint to bring you back to life. After a gorgeous walk along the Quayside, why not take a pit stop at Spoons where you'll be spoilt for choice for hangover cures which won't further your debt from the night before.
Can't go wrong with two pints for £5!
Dog and Scone
What could be more perfect to make you feel better about your life than a coffee date with loads of dogs! Dog and Scone is home to the cutest pups which will tend to your hungover emotional needs.
Dogs will ALWAYS be there for you.
Tea and Coffee
If a pint brings back too many sickening memories of the night before, anything with caffeine in will 100 per cent hit the spot. Everywhere you look in Newcastle, there's a great coffee shop.
I think it's a consensus in the toon that Quilliam Brothers is the best place for a coffee date. It's possibly Newcastle's most popular and quirkiest coffee and tea house, offering a copious selection of hot drinks that will revive your soul the morning after.
Fat Hippo
If you simply cannot rise from your pit before noon, it is almost a necessity to treat yourself to a Fat Hippo burger for dinner. If you don't know, get to know!
With their huge selection of beef, chicken and veggie/vegan options, it would be rude not to indulge as there is something for everyone. They also offer a range of naughty shakes and slushes to quench your desperate hangover thirst.
Go for a run around Jesmond Dene
For the superhuman among us, a quick run around a beautiful woodland area is just the fix for a deadly hangover. It takes great courage, but you'll thank yourself afterwards. Be sure to take plenty water with you! For the weak, i.e. all of us, a light walk around Jesmond Dene will clear your mind and put an end to your beer fears.
For a quick grab and go hangover cure, Greggs will always be there for you. There's literally one on every corner of Newcastle. In and around the city centre, the number of Greggs stores accumulates to a WHOPPING 29. So quit moaning about your banging head and get yourself a pasty hun.
Get the metro to the coast
If you're brave enough to venture out of Newcastle for a day, the gorgeous but breezy North East coast will smack the life back into you. Explore Tynemouth's coves and fill your boots with fish and chips.
If all else fails, have a day off and head back to bed x