Killer Baby Bug found at University Hospital

Local hospital where UEA students work forced to apologised to parents after the discovery of a fatal bacteria.

Increasing levels of potentially deadly bacteria has been found in the water supply of an intensive care unit containing new-born babies at Norwich University Hospital. 

Studies in the last two weeks uncovered the rising level of the Pseudomonas bacteria at the hospital.

Complications arising from the bacteria led to the deaths of three babies in Belfast this January, and one at a Londonderry hospital in December.

Antibiotics have been given to three babies at the University hospital when it was discovered that the bug had colonized under their skin, though none have so far found to be further infected.

The bacterium usually poses little threat to healthy people, but can be fatal to those with weak immune systems.

Chief Executive of the Norwich University Hospital, Anna Dugdale, wrote to parents: “I should like to apologize for the additional anxiety that I know this event may have caused you at an already stressful time.”

"As an organisation we are committed to being open with our patients and their families working on the basis that the trust we hope to build with you is an essential component of excellent care.”

Further tests are being carried out on both the water supply and the affected babies, with the hospital using sterile water and replacing basins where the bug was detected.

Previously reported outbreaks at hospitals around the UK have traced the source of the bacteria to contaminated sinks and drains.