Union bans UEA Rugby with Immediate Effect

Following from complaints of racism and sexism against members of UEA Rugby Club, the Union has chosen to BAN all rugby immediately.


The UEA Men's Rugby team have been BANNED by the Union until September 2013.
The decision comes after a catalogue of complaints against the club, including accusations of racism.
The club has had a long history of misconduct. Just last night, some  of its members were kicked out of Lola's for urinating on the bar.
The Union said in a letter to the Rugby Club Committee: "Following a large number of complaints made against the Union of UEA Students’ Mens Rugby Union Club, the management committee of the Union has decided, with regret, to suspend all activity of the club with immediate effect.
"The suspension of all activity will last until the start of the 2013/14 academic year. The club will then be restarted in the 2013/14 academic year with special measures in place to ensure that the new club does not follow the same path as the current club.
"Complaints against the club included offences of both sexist and racist natures.
"The Union’s management committee would like to stress that it is aware of the need to continue to provide the ability to play rugby at UEA, and alongside the Department of Physical Education and Sport, will endeavour to provide a way for students to play rugby, however for the 2012/13 year there will no representative rugby at the University, and no student run club."
The Union has also banned members of the club from playing any sport at UEA and from the Sports Association, unless the club names and shames the players who were guilty of recent misbehaviour.
The club must dob its own members in by 5pm on 23 March, although they can appeal the decision at the next Union council meeting.