REVIEW: Made in Chelsea,Series 3, Episode 5.

This episode was totally awkward and completely hilarious. Loved it!

So who else enjoys the hilarity and awkwardness that comes with each and every episode of MIC?

This episode did not disappoint in that department!

The revelation that Hugo is a closet Lord of the Rings geek was a very special moment. Who could have expected that? Let alone revealing that he has a tattoo around his ankle written in Mordor Elvish. Not going to lie, he does look a bit like an elf so it definitely suits him!

There was of course the usual banter between Jamie and the guys, as Proudlock and Hugo encourage Jamie to get a tattoo of Louise’s name. For one second when he was in that tattoo place I actually thought he’d gone and done it! When I saw the ‘Candy Kittens’ logo I breathed a sigh of relief, though thinking about it, I’m not sure having that is any better to be honest!

Okay, let’s broach the Rosie v Millie scenario. I’m sure there’ll be lots of people on both sides of this one but for me, Rosie’s definitely looking the worse out of the two and is just being a complete bitch! Victoria not getting invited to things was funny too! So glad that Hugo and Millie cleared the air. Hilarious that Hugo ignored his girlfriend’s instruction of no alcoholic beverage when you’re with her! He was straight in with the whisky! Rosie describing Millie as a ‘tornado of drama’ and stating that ‘she has nothing better to do’ than to manipulate and suck up to Hugo is utter shit! Hello? She’s dating Professor Green; of course she has something better TO DO!

On the other side of things, everything appeared to be going quite well with Louise and Jamie. Out of all of them Jamie comes off as the most genuine and his little Golf date was cute. His socks on the other hand were something else but at the same time completely awesome. Jamie used this opportunity to his full advantage by getting behind Louise and showing her how to swing. Typical man!

Onto a slightly worse date… after Ollie and Richard had a pretty awkward experience at a gay bar, Ollie goes for a date with Chris, at a ROLLER DISCO. Surely, this was always going to end in disaster?! Every scene at the roller disco had me wanting to poke my eyes out as it was so horribly embarrassing! First Ollie falls over which was funny in itself, then he lunges at this Chris guy like some sort of penguin launching itself out of the water and gets stone cold rejected. After I got over laughing I did actually feel quite sorry for the guy! I mean it was only a kiss…

Spencer didn’t really appear in this episode that much and what we did see was him being, well, a very sore loser! ‘It’ll last 3 weeks max’ and ‘I think I can still have her whenever I want’ were just a few of his endearing sentiments with a total disregard for his friend Jamie’s feelings! He also looked like a bit of a larry hanging out in the bar by himself, who does that? His plan was obvious and as everyone was at the art gallery he arrived looking like a smug pug with Sophie Lily (an old flame). He was so obviously trying to make Louise jealous and it looked like it worked as she was not at all convincing about the fact she was happy for him and she didn’t care! Look out Jamie; I don’t think this battle is over!