UPDATED: Protest planned for Tuition Fees Minister Tomorrow

David Willets, the Minister for Universities and Science, as well as other major politicians are coming to UEA as part of a new series of 5 weekly lectures. Willetts, the man in charge of the controversial rise in university tuition fees will be speaking on the 24th of May as part of the series titled “Philosopher Kings”.

UPDATE: The talk has been moved half an hour forward so that it shall now start at 5.30pm rather than 6pm. Therefore the protest shall be from 5-5.15pm. 


The time change came so that WIlletts had time to get to Kings Lynn to film Question Time. 


Cal Corkery told the Drop: "Willett's office only let the university know this morning as far as I'm aware."


Bringing the talk half an hour forward may lead to some people missing the protest, so make sure to get the word around! 


David Willetts, the Universities Minister, as well as other major politicians are coming to UEA as part of a new series of 5 weekly lectures.


Willetts, the man responsible for the controversial trebling of tuition fees, is coming to our university to lecture us on 'What's Government is good for.'


The Higher Education snatcher shall be giving his talk on 24 May at 6pm, in Lecture Theatre 1. 


Thus far he has proven unpopular at the other universities he has gone to and was even got heckled off stage at Cambridge University, so it will be interesting to see the reaction he gets when he graces us with his presence. 


Students have organised a peaceful protest outside the Lecture Theatres' main entrance. http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/288515217907762/


But that shall start at 5.30pm and finish at 6pm when the the talk will begin since the protesters "intend to go in to hear what Willetts has to say." 

But who knows what unplanned protest there will be on the day?


Willett’s has been given the nickname “Two brains” for his intellect, academic background, and his hairline! 


As someone who has not been a student since the 1970s, he never had to deal with tuition fees at all.

And, despite insisting the prospect of £9000 annual tuition fees won't put potential students off university, many people are unconvinced.


So the 24 May could prove to be quite a showdown.