Out for Blood!

Increasing pressure on life-saving blood stocks has the Norfolk NHS calling for donors.

Hospitals across East Anglia, particularly in the Norfolk region have appealed for blood donors as vital blood stocks continue to decline.

Figures from the NHS and Transplant reveal a 7.4 pc decrease in donation since 2010 and with Norfolk declining faster than any other region in the UK, authorities have sparked new calls to donate.

Hospitals across the country require approximately 8000 units of blood a day to meet demand. With over 3000 fewer blood donors in wider Norfolk compared to 3 years ago, the NHS have warned of “serious implications,” inciting an appeal from the Minister for Health, Norman Lamb to help replenish blood stocks.

To be a donor, you must be aged between 17- 65, weigh at least 7 stone 12 and maintain good general health.

For information on how and where to give blood, visit: www.blood.co.uk