University New Year Resolutions

The ones that we all make and never keep …

 The new semester may see many of us making New Year’s Resolutions to really knuckle down for the second half of the term. But these bad habits certainly aren’t easy to kick…

1) I will go to every seminar this semester.

Whether it’s a hangover from the night before, taking on too much, or bad planning and a last minute essay panic, making it to every seminar is a resolution that many of us fail to keep.

2) I will drink less.

We all know we should, but judging by the blurry eyes in the LCR, few keep this resolution. One night of pulling out that final king in a game of Ring of Fire and it’s bye bye healthy liver.

3) I will turn up on time for every lecture.

Being that person who sneaks into the lecture theatre 10 minutes late is always awkward, especially when it takes you a further 10 minutes of rummaging to find your pen. And yet we oversleep/get talking to a friend on the way/lose our keys again and again and again.

4) I will exercise more.

For many of us, the failure of resolution 2 leads to the failure of this resolution. Gym with a hangover? Pass.

5) I will start all essays as soon as the question is set.

Don’t bother lying to yourself…you just won’t.