BNOC of the Year: An apology

We’ve had too many names! If you want to nominate a BNOC, email us a pic and tell us why they’re the Biggest Name.

Dear readers,

The Tab would like to make an apology.

We have not been able to form an effective ‘BNOC of the Year’ competition. We tried, reader, we tried. But we have failed.

Our failure comes not because of a lack of BNOC nominations. Rather, we have had too many. Too many names and not enough time.

So, once again, we need your help.

We called for your nominations earlier this term, but we need help whittling down the names from the 340 comments and over 50 email and facebook messages we received.

If you want to nominate a BNOC, you must email us with his or her name, a picture and a short paragraph on why he or she should be crowned the Biggest Name on Campus.

When we have a list of names and pictures, we will put it to you to vote for your favourite BNOC.

With your help we can build a better competition.

Get your nominations into us at [email protected] by Friday 11am, please.


P.s. Tom Ritchie, Amethyst, Matt Surman, Tommy Philbrooks, Isaac Snow, Matt Protz, Rory Mills, Louisa Brown, and Nelson T Gombakomba Jr, were all popular suggestions in the comments of our last article. If you know them, tell us why they should win!