UKIP’s first MP: ‘UEA prepared me to think for myself’
Douglas Carswell credits UEA for his politics
UEA don’t brag about it, but UKIP’s first elected MP is one of their graduates.
What’s more, Douglas Carswell says that UEA’s motto of “Do Different” inspired his recent behaviour.
Carswell who dramatically defected from the Conservative Party to UKIP in the summer studied History at UEA from 1990-1993.
He credits the University of East Anglia for turning him into an independent thinker, saying “The UEA motto made me think differently and be prepared to think for myself.”
But plenty disagree with this testament. Second-year Politics student Adam Curtis said: “It’s concerning he thinks that UEA fostered the views UKIP have.
“It’s a little embarrassing but it doesn’t reflect on the university.”
But others have managed to find a silver lining. Second-year IR and Modern History student Ryan Newington said: “Even though I don’t agree with his policies, it’s good to know that UEA graduates can achieve.”
Although Carswell joined Parliament in 2005 (as a Conservative), he admits that he wasn’t that into politics during his students days: “I think I was a member of Conservative Students, but I was more keen on rugby than canvassing.”
When contacted by The Tab, UEA failed to respond to Carswell’s statement that if he hadn’t attended the university he “would not have managed to do the things [he has] done.”
Although he has spoken twice at UEA since becoming an MP in 2005, UEA did not say whether he would be invited to any future events under his new banner.
Many students, when asked, didn’t know that Carswell is a UEA graduate.
Although with alumni including the 11th Doctor Who, Greg James and The King of Tonga to boast about, it may be unlikely that UEA is going to promote an MP from a party with questionable values and policies as one of its top graduates.