VIDEO: Bouncer tricks student with fake breathalyser test

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A Nottingham student was tricked into believing a radio was a breathalyser by a bouncer outside Rock City.

The second-year Chemistry student, who unsurprisingly did not want to be named, spoke exclusively to The Tab about the incident.

“It was my birthday on the night and we went out to the Heyx3 night to celebrate with a few friends,” he said. “I got kicked out after I got very insistent that there was corruption behind the bar. Obviously, I was really drunk… Drunk enough to think that a wireless radio was a breathalyser.

“Just breath into this for me, mate”

“I’d left my coat, keys etc. at my friends’ house and I was waiting until the end of the evening until they came out to meet them, so I’d be able to sleep under a roof overnight. To be fair, given how long I had to wait, the bouncers were actually fairly tolerant and nice to me.

“That said, I’ve seen Rock City bouncers be very reactive in the past, so I’m kind of lucky that I’m the kind of person who is never a violent or abusive drunk, just clueless and amiable. I’m kind of glad that all they did was frape me and this.”
