Freshers tell us the weirdest places they’ve had sex
You animals
We sourced the maddest, sexiest and raunchiest places Nottingham students have had sex.
From quick and intense sex with a loved one to the downright filthy, with the added time pressure, there were some seriously bawdy places.
On the floor of the McDonald’s bathroom in town
We know how filthy McDonald’s gets on a night out, but a blow job for a Big Mac might be a bit too far.
Derby Hall field
Despite their room being just metres away, someone clearly had some pent up anger when she lashed out on his back in view of everyone in Derby Hall.
In a holly bush on the cliff top in Greece
This guy simultaneously lost his virginity, cut his butt, shredded his leg and prevented a man from jumping off the cliff. Call that one out in never have I ever.
Achieving this in your first year is no mean feat. But one cute couple clearly got turned on from Ocean’s closing time romantic song so had quick shag in the boys toilet.
Toilets in the museum of Shakespeare’s birth place
Maybe Shakespeare would have written a sonnet about it, or the tour was really boring. Sneaking off to the toilets is a common theme, but not normally in the birthplace of the greatest playwright known to man.
Primark changing rooms
Who doesn’t fancy a quickie after purchasing some wavey garms, or bad fancy dress. Plus if you rip your underwear it’s not far to get a new pair.
Anne Frank’s house
This innocent girl had a plan: Complain of feeling sick and ask to use disabled loo. Do the deed. Exit the loo with her boyfriend rubbing her tummy and ask where he can buy her some water. They fell for it.
Portaloo at No Tomorrow Festival
Last year saw the birth of the Nottingham mess fest. They could’ve gone in the bushes – there’s a lot of them.
Up the Joshua tree on the downs
Can we ask how exactly? Climbing up there drunk is hard enough, staying up there is even more difficult, but a tree romp is practically unheard of.
Cable car in a ski resort
It was too cold even the Viagra couldn’t help him.
Campus in the dark
Trent building has certainly witnessed a lot of action. There’s a great toilet there too.
Hallward Library
The social scene of Nottingham where you are certain to find endless Adidas trackies and Canada gooses. So when one sloanie marked their territory in the sky lounge in the dead of night, the pair become legends.