The Nottingham uni guide to fitting in at freshers

We have fun here

Congrats, you’re in. A levels are a distant painful memory, never to be spoken of again.

Now you’re in to one of the best Universities in the country and all you need to focus on is getting that 2:1. But don’t worry, that’s long off and as you’ll  hear copious amounts of time throughout this year – “First year doesn’t count.”

So really all you’ve got to think about is Freshers Week and luckily The Tab has put together these top tips to help you through, admittedly what might not be the best week of your entire life – but a really important one.

Don’t look up your future flatmates on Facebook before you’ve meet them

Just don’t do it. Seriously you’ll regret this. Whoever said we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover clearly never Facebook stalked their hall group before Freshers.

Trawling through the embarrassing posts on the Fresher’s page to find to your horror that really keen girl who wears weird hats is doing your course, in your halls and yes probably will want to be your best friend, will undoubtably put you in a state of distress before you’ve even started. So don’t do it. Chances are she’s a nice girl, but leave it to real introductions to make your mind up about your future friends.

best friends forev

Be realistic at Fresher’s Fair

I mean don’t pretend you’re actually going to attend the Taekwondo, German and knitting societies you’ve just collectively wasted £25 on initial membership fees.

Are you going to be the next great pole dancer? Maybe. A champion break dancer? Who knows. What we do know is, go round the fair at least 3 times (picking up a few half slices of dominos on your way round) and be selective with your choices.

There’s nothing worse than receiving never ending annoying emails from the 18 societies you promised you’d give a go at when in reality you’re not.

The grimmer your halls, the more fun you’ll have

Ah, that ancient proverb. Well it’s certainly true for Notts.

Have you ever heard of someone from Sherwood or Rutland having a bad time? No. That’s because congregated in these grim brick shithouses are the people up for the best times.

They don’t care their rooms are falling in on them or the bathrooms are dirtier than a derelict public toilet, no. So don’t be put off by the bleak sights of some of these halls, you are guaranteed to have a good time and meet the best people.

disgusting, isn’t it?

Make your friends from Oxford and Cambridge jealous

Yes, yes, yes, they may come out with a First from one of the best universities in the world, and yes they may become future leaders of our country, but who has a better time? You, obviously. And there’s no shame in showing off about it either.

What do we have that Oxford and Cambridge don’t? Fun. So post that photo of you out getting drunk at Crisis and then post a few more that week to show what type of legend you really are.

Yeah, that’s right Nottingham students go out. You went to a house party? Oh cool, let’s subtly tell all your Facebook friends how good it was. You may seem spiteful about not being at Oxbridge, but at least you go out.

Having the best time ever