Here are the winners of the Students’ Union elections
They’ll leave you alone now
Love them or hate them it’s been really hard to miss the SU candidates lobbying around campus this week. It has been brutal for all those involved as they’ve all been under intense scrutiny.
Despite this voting numbers totaled 7914, meaning only 23% of students voted. This number is down almost a thousand votes on last year, adding to thoughts that a lot of people just aren’t interested in the SU.
Although the School of Geography deserves a shout out as 45% of them cast their vote.
This evening our new SU officers were officially announced – all the results are below with a selected officer-elect’s manifesto highlight too.
Here’s who the Union will be paying to make all your decisions from July.
Alan Holey, President Elect
Studies: Geography
Highlight manifesto aims: increase awareness of services available and ensure future direction is effectively communicated to students
Other aims: continue the SU legacy, improving the SU, Student Services and inclusivity at UoN
Adam Pratchett, Sports Officer
Studies: International Relations
Highlight manifesto aim: Provide mental health training for all Captains and Coaches and lobby to increase investment in Mental Health Services
Ellie Mitchell, Community Officer
Studies: English
Highlight manifesto aim: Restrict how far in advance clubs such as Ocean and Crisis can sell tickets and develop a housemate finding app based on similar interests and hobbies, which can also be used to fill house spaces during semesters abroad.
Cassie O’Boyle, Education Officer
Highlight manifesto aim: Increase visibility of the Education Network on the Student Union Website and celebrate the hard-work of those involved, through an annual Education Network Awards and emphasise the career skills gained through engagement
Laura Bealin-Kelly, Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer
Studies: International Social Policy
Highlight manifesto aim: Prior to arrival, give every new student a Welcome pack explaining the welfare support available throughout their degree and introduce a “Support” tab on the SU website
Martin Nguyen, Activities Officer
Highlight manifesto aim: Organise SU-ran events during January’s Refreshers to re-engage students and get them more involved with the union and create for a personal society/sport event calender app, unique to each student based on their society memberships and student groups
Yolanda King, Postgraduate Officer
Studies: Criminology
Highlight manifesto aim: Introduce a Postgraduate Engage and IMS coordinator – for University Park, Jubilee and Sutton Bonington and support clubs and societies to actively recruit PG reps and encourage new membership throughout the year
Florence and Adreanna, Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Officer
Highlight manifesto aim: Strengthen the BME network by building solid relationships with all BME societies and reinstating a democratically elected BME Network committee.
Chris Smith, LGBT+ Officer
Studies: English Literature with Creative Writing
Highlight manifesto aim: Hosting public Network meetings that are open to every student, helping us to foster communication and to hear every voice head on, rather than from behind a computer screen. Our Network is a place for progression, safety, solidarity and democracy, and this addition will help us remain as such.
Hemanth and Loren, International Student Officers
Study: Economic/International Media and Communication Studies
Highlight manifesto aim: Create a social and friendly space for internationals and home students to dine on familiar or foreign foods (including Halal and Kosher), build a sense of community by collaborating with Global Buddies, university societies, sports teams, staff, and local businesses
Alice Armstrong and Eden Smith, Disabled Students’ Officers
Highlight manifesto aim: Develop the new committee and its roles. We want to ensure that the first full year of the Network’s committee has a stable structure to facilitate the growth of the Students with Disabilities Network (SwDN).
Ruby Harrison, Women’s Officer
Studies: Medicine
Highlight manifesto aim: work with the Disabled Students’ Network, the LGBT Network, the Postgraduate Student Network and the Black and Minority Ethnic Student Network to promote intersectionality within the Women’s* Network and throughout the university
Adele Purdy, Mature Students’ Officer
Studies: Architectural Environment Engineering
Highlight manifesto aim: Investigate and understand the reasons behind higher drop out rates among mature students and, where possible, make improvements to university provided support in order to address these problems.
And finally its all over for another year. You can read the officers full manifestos here if you still can’t get enough.