As a graduate, here is everything I will miss about being at University of Nottingham
All good things must come to an end
I’ve talked about all the things which I won’t miss about university but there are most certainly things I will miss. And whilst I am keen to move onto the next stage of my life this doesn’t mean I am not appreciative of my time in Nottingham. Here is the list of some of the things I miss or look fondly back at now I’ve graduated:
George Green and Hallward
I used to have a vendetta against Hallward due to its dated interior. However, during my final months, the deathly silence and darker surroundings happened to be exactly what I needed to push through the final stages of my dissertation.
Late lie-ins
I can’t believe that I am going to have to wake up in time every Monday-Friday to work a 9am – 6pm job. I definitely will never take a lie-in for granted again.
The fries at Joe’s in Portland
The love and affection my parents give me when I come back for the holidays
I remember the first time I came back to my family home during the first year of uni. My mum acted like I had been away for a decade, adorning me with gifts and cooking me more food than I could ever eat in a lifetime. On top of this, there was no need for me to think about chores because I was now a guest. Unfortunately, now I am going to be home more permanently, the novelty of me being home will most certainly wear off.
Goose fair
Not Moni P.
Being able to order clothes to the house free of judgment from parents
Leaving the house without having to explain where you’re going
Having two wardrobes
My collection of outfits has now expanded greatly. Now that I’m at home, I am left with the challenge of downsizing my wardrobe through the selling of unnecessary items and donating what excess is left to my sisters.
Living with your literal friends
Truthfully, the only reason why I will miss these establishments is that I didn’t get all my stamps yet; this goes for Portland coffee as well.
Old Market Square
When I think of Nottingham the most obvious place I think about and associate with my university experience is Old Market Square. From exploring the local market to splashing my cash in Urban Outfitters and hunting down all the happy hour deals in the surrounding area, I will certainly miss this area.
My support plan
Support in general
Whilst at university, I was quite lucky as usually felt actively supported. Now I’m technically an adult, the prospect of accessing help when necessary seems more like something which I have to actually seek out rather than accept which is a bit daunting.
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