Everything incoming freshers need to know about NTU that the prospectus won’t tell you
Everything TikTok warned you about is true
Trent freshers, congratulations! You’ve made it into one of the most down ba- I mean one of the most prestigious universities in the country! You’re about to embark on the most exciting few years of your life, and we’re so excited for you. I’m sure you’re feeling all sorts of emotions right now – relief that you’ve either got the grades or survived the carnage that is clearing, excitement for the next chapter of your life to begin, and perhaps the most common emotion of all: Apprehension that you’re going to act like a silly fresher. But don’t worry, we’ve all been there – it’s a rite of passage to kick off your uni lifestyle by doing at least one extremely stupid thing like cooking pasta in the kettle – I’m looking at you, first year flatmate who I barely saw apart from this occasion. So, here’s a list of some of the most important things you need to know before you start your Trent adventure that the university prospectus won’t tell you:
Trent has a rep for a reason
First things first, it’s important to let you know that the rumours you’ve heard about Trent being one of the horniest universities in the country is in fact true. The boys think with their dicks and categorically WILL mug you off.
That’s a slight exaggeration, but if your university’s student union is giving out whole boxes of condoms during Freshers’ Week, you know there’s a reason. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going a bit feral (what else is first year for?), but just make sure you have consent and are giving consent, and for the love of God – don’t be silly, wrap your willy!
The advantage of a having a city campus
University of Nottingham does have some benefits over Trent, such as an objectively better sports night and an arguably nicer-looking campus, but one thing Trent is really good for is its location. With most teaching buildings and accommodation in the city centre, it’s incredibly easy to get anywhere as a Trent student. Be sure to make the most of your prime location which us UoN students are very jealous of – get to know the ins and outs of the incredible second-hand clothes scene, the famous canals, the amazing range of coffee shops and bars, and the fact that most of you will live about a five minutes walk away from most of the city’s nightclubs.
The best Trent nights out
As a fresher, you might not know this, but the two Nottingham universities have their own unique club nights. While the clubs themselves vary on how strict they are about which students can come on which days, most of them are just known to be certain university’s nights. Ocean Wednesdays is probably Trent’s best known example. If you’ve heard of Nottingham, you’ve probably heard of Ocean, and if you’ve heard of Nottingham Trent Univerisity, you might be aware of Ocean Wednesdays. This is NTU’s sports social night, held on – you guessed it – Wednesdays, and is notorious for the absolute scenes that transpire. It’s one of those things you just have to experience as a Trent student, because it can’t really be put into words – you just have to be there.
The post-night out scran options
Going back to NTU’s prime location, one of the biggest bonuses of being a Trent student is your proximity to all the post night out scran options. First of all, you have a kebab shop named after you, which is, surprisingly enough, called Trent Kebab. If you live in Sandby Hall, you are literally a two minute walk away from the legendary Chunky Chicken, and if you fancy a burger but the Saturday night maces scenes are just too much for you, check out Food Factory – the ONLY place to get food after a night out in Pryzm.
Follow trentevents on Instagram
Trentevents is the account to follow as a Trent fresher. With info about all things NTU entertainment, if this was the only account you followed in your whole time as a Trent student, you’d be absolutely fine. You can buy your Freshers’ (and Refreshers’) passes via the account, plus all the info you need about upcoming Trent events.
Stock up on fancy dress
Filling your wardrobe up with all kinds of crazy costumes is something of a universal student experience, but it’s particularly prevalent at Trent for some reason – it’s rare you’ll go a whole Wednesday night without seeing at least three groups of girls dressed as lifeguards. If you haven’t already, get ready to put aside some serious funds to spend on fancy dress, and be prepared to spend a significant amount of time battling the crowds in luvyababes – Nottingham’s best known fancy dress shop.
Get used to living purely off VKs
I don’t know if this is just me, but VKs seem to have just spawned into my life when I started uni. I had never heard of them before the first time I ventured into a Notts club (Pryzm, to be exact), but now they’re a regular feature in the sesh. After all, you’re not really a Nottingham student if you haven’t taken part in a VK race and then chundered it right back up all over the steps outside Ocean.
Write for The Tab!
Last but not least – and probably the most important piece of advice you’ll ever hear – is come and join our writers’ team! We’re always looking for new recruits, and freshers have a unique perspective on Nottingham student life that the rest of us oldies seem to have lost. Writing for us is a great way to get to know your uni city better, meet some likeminded people and be the first to know the city’s goss!
You can find us on Instagram at @thetab_nottingham – just drop us a message on there if you’re interested.
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