In Pictures: Jedward in Oxford

High-haired pair were filming new television series.


Halloween came early for some this week as the gruesome twosome were spotted in Christ Church and Magdalen colleges.

Irish twins and 2009 X Factor contestants John and Edward Grimes were seen filming across Oxford for the third series of their CBBC programme “Jedward’s Big Adventures”.

Hair-raising encounter

The show sees them visiting UNESCO sites around the UK, where they will give guided tours to tourists amongst other things (resulting in possibly the only time Oxford students will feel sorry for tourists).

“I’ve missed Jedward” – no-one, ever

Fresh from playing croquet on the Dean’s Lawn at Christchurch, Jeward were spotted learning to row Thursday morning on the river Cherwell.

Only one of the cox visible

The ghastly possibility of the pair, both amateur athletes who ran the 2012 LA Marathon in 4hrs, engaging in a spot of boatie chat is as of yet unknown.

bunch of punts

Their second Eurovision song “Waterline” seemed particularly fitting as they punted round Magdalen Bridge in boaters and sub fusc.

the punts again

Past locations blessed by a visit from the dynamic duo include The Tower of London and Hadrian’s Wall.

The series is expected to air in 2014.